Mexican cuisine is a set of dishes that are part of our culture and derived from Mexican cuisine and European.
Our food has influenced various cultures such as:
The Middle East.
There is diversity of colors, flavors and textures.
*Alcoholic drinks.
*Mezcal and tequila.
Maya chocolhaa, "hot drink", and Nahuatl or cacahuatl xocolatl, "cocoa drink" is a drink made of cocoa beans, Mayan origin and extended throughout Mesoamerica.
The act of cooking in Mexico is considered one of the most important activities and fulfills social functions and determinants, such as installing the altar of dead or quinceanera in Mexico rituals. The professionalization of culinary work in Mexico is still predominantly female: it is common to see the front of the kitchens of restaurants and trattorias women who, by acquiring the degree of excellence, are named mayoras, a name that in the colonial era gave them to heads of the kitchens of the haciendas and now would be equivalent to the European chef.
One of the characteristics of Mexican cuisine is that no distinction between the so-called everyday cooking and haute cuisine. Thus, although there are traditional festive dishes, such as mole or tamales, they can be eaten any day of the year, both in a private house in a fancy restaurant or a small boardinghouse without special ritual value. Mexican cuisine has always been described as a cuisine of great baroque influence the result of a culinary mix, and represents in a vision that Mexicans have in the world.
OPINIONS: my opinion on the food that is of Mexican origin is that it is one of the countries with food culture and region for example my mom prepares enchiladas with mole and pork roast on special occasions.
OPINIONS: my opinion on the food that is of Mexican origin is that it is one of the countries with food culture and region for example my mom prepares enchiladas with mole and pork roast on special occasions.